Accessing Antiviral Medications for COVID-19

Last updated on January 28, 2025

Doctor and patient talking

Oral medications, nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir (Paxlovid) and molnupiravir (Lagevrio), and the IV medication remdesivir (Veklury) are antiviral medications available for use in the outpatient setting. Some patients might have trouble affording these medications or might have a co-pay for their prescription. However, patient assistance programs are available to cover the costs, and medication will be free or low-cost for most patients. Providers are encouraged to assist patients with enrollment in a patient assistance program at the time of prescribing to obtain free medication or cover some or all of their out-of-pocket costs.

This page contains a general overview of patient assistance programs for patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacies. Except for Health Resource Service Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers and certain federal entities, medications are no longer distributed by the federal government, and methods for accessing medications commercially might change over time. Providers should order medications via their usual channels. For more detailed information on the transition and the most up-to-date information, see the following two websites from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR).

Healthcare providers can quickly access the following resources for clinical recommendations and patient support:

Finding COVID-19 and influenza medications

Medications are no longer distributed by the federal government. Providers should order medications via their usual channels. Patients and health care providers can locate pharmacies, clinics, and other locations with safe and effective COVID-19 and flu medications via the ASPR COVID-19 and Flu Treatments Locator. Note that listings might not be complete and other locations may be available.

Patient assistance programs

Patient assistance programs provide low and no-cost access to COVID-19 medicines to patients who are underinsured, uninsured, or on Medicare or Medicaid. Health care providers are encouraged to assist patients in determining how to access low- and no-cost options for medications. In some circumstances health care providers can enroll patients and may be directed to separate platforms to do so.

Patient assistance program for nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir (Paxlovid)

Paxlovid can be accessed at reduced or no cost depending on insurance type and eligibility.

  • Paxlovid can be accessed at no cost to eligible patients as follows:
  • Patients with Medicare can access Paxlovid two ways:
    • Enrollment in the PAXCESS Patient Support Program (or via phone at 1-877-C19-PACK [1-877-219-7225]). Through February 28, 2025, this applies to all Medicare patients. Beginning March 1, 2025, Medicare patients who are under-insured may be eligible if they have a high co-pay for Paxlovid, or if they do not have prescription coverage, and cannot afford the medication based on income.
    • A 100% rebate program for plans that have entered into an agreement with Pfizer, which is determined at the pharmacy counter. This program ends on February 28, 2025.
  • Patients with Medicaid, Tricare, or Veterans Affairs Community Care Network
    • Beginning January 1, 2025, these patients should consult their plan for coverage.
    • If these patients have high co-pays and cannot afford the medication, they may be eligible for no cost Paxlovid by enrolling in the PAXCESS Patient Support Program (or via phone at 1-877-C19-PACK [1-877-219-7225]).
  • Patients who are uninsured and cannot afford the medication may be eligible for no cost Paxlovid by enrolling in the PAXCESS Patient Support Program (or via phone at 1-877-C19-PACK [1-877-219-7225]).
  • Patients with commercial insurance:
  • Health care providers are encouraged to support patients to enroll in programs for which they are eligible. Providers and pharmacists may be able to enroll the patient directly.
  • For additional materials that explain the Paxlovid programs, see Pfizer’s Paxlovid Access-Support site.

Patient assistance program for molnupiravir (Lagevrio)

Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) can be accessed at reduced or no cost to eligible patients.

  • Patients who do not have insurance and cannot afford to pay for the medication may be eligible for Lagevrio at no cost through MerckHelps: Lagevrio. Expedited requests can be made via phone at 800-727-5400. Patients who do have insurance but cannot afford to pay for the medication or have special circumstances can request an exception.
  • Patients with private insurance may be eligible for and can request a savings coupon via Merck: Savings coupon offer for LAGEVRIO™ (molnupiravir).
  • Health care providers are encouraged to support patients to enroll in programs for which they are eligible. Providers and pharmacists may be able to enroll the patient directly.

Patient assistance program for remdesivir (Veklury)

Help obtaining remdesivir (Veklury) as an outpatient, understanding insurance coverage and prior authorization, or obtaining a co-pay coupon for remdesivir can be accessed through Gilead’s Advancing Access Program or via phone at 1-800-226-2056. Health care providers can also obtain assistance for their patients through this program.

For providers: Therapeutics reporting, expiration, retention, and utilization

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) is no longer distributing COVID-19 therapeutics, except to certain federal entities. Federal entities that receive COVID-19 therapeutics from ASPR should note the following:

  • Ordering supplies of Lagevrio (molnupiravir) by federal entities closed on January 22, 2025, and supplies can no longer be ordered. Lagevrio (molnupiravir) previously distributed by ASPR expires on or before February 27, 2025. All expired supply of Lagevrio must be disposed of. Lagevrio can be disposed of onsite in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations or returned to Merck for disposal. For sites that do not have an established returns process, visit the Merk Orders website and select “Return Merchandise” or call the Merck Order Management Center at 800-MERCK-RX (800-637-2579).
  • Federal entities can continue to order ASPR-procured Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir) through 2028 or until supply is depleted. 

Federal entities that are receiving ASPR-distributed oral antivirals must continue to report that inventory for accounting, dispensing, disposal, and wastage via the Health Partners Ordering Portal (HPOP). Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers can continue to join the ASPR Paxlovid distribution program by emailing HPOPSupport@hhs.gov.

Additional information can be found on the ASPR COVID-19 Therapeutics HHS Distribution Program Closeout Activities and ASPR Product Resources. Email COVID19Therapeutics@hhs.gov with any further questions.

The prescribing health care provider and/or designee must report all medication errors and serious adverse events potentially related to these medications to Medwatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program. Reports must be filed within seven calendar days from the health care provider's awareness of the event.

Information on FDA shelf life extensions and expirations can be found on FDA’s Expiration Dating Extension webpage, as well as the ASPR product expiration webpage. Email COVID19Therapeutics@hhs.gov with any questions.

On December 13, 2024, FDA revoked Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for four COVID-19 monoclonal antibody therapeutics:

These products should be disposed of.

Residential and long-term care settings

Facilities should ensure planning with each resident’s health care team to access treatment options ahead of time in case the resident tests positive for COVID-19. Keep up-to-date medication lists and ask their health care team if there are any drug interactions or necessary modifications with COVID-19 medications. Working with health care providers in advance to determine the best course of action can help prevent delayed treatment, especially if a resident gets sick on a weekend or over a holiday. Also discuss treatments with your residents and residents’ decision makers now. This conversation can be used to obtain consent for treatment in case a resident tests positive for COVID-19.

Find the closest pharmacy to the resident carrying COVID-19 therapeutics so you can easily provide this information to the prescribing provider. This webpage and ASPR COVID-19 Treatments: Information for Long‑Term Care Facilities webpage include information on availability and use of COVID-19 treatments for outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19.

The Medical Epidemiology Unit is available for consultations with facility medical directors and resident health care providers about therapeutics. Email cdphe_covid_med_guidance@state.co.us for more information.