About the Community-Based Impaired Driving Prevention Grant Program
The Community-Based Impaired Driving Prevention Grant Program was created by the Persistent Drunk Driver Act of 1998 and is funded through the Persistent Drunk Driving (PDD) Cash Fund. This fund consists of surcharges imposed on convicted DWAI/DUI offenders. The overall purpose of the PDD Fund is to support programs intended to educate the public on the hazards of impaired driving with the goal of changing norms and attitudes around impaired driving and/or excessive use. This program is managed by the Community Prevention Programs team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Funding opportunity
The Community Prevention Programs team is pleased to announce this new funding opportunity under an open Request for Applications (RFA) #41401.
View/Download RFA #41401, Attachments, and Guidance Documents
Watch the pre-bid webinar (9 min. 38 sec.)
Who should apply
Any Colorado-based local government entity or non-profit organization is eligible to apply. In awarding grants, priority will be given to applicants from Health Statistics Regions 2, 9, 10, 11, 12,18, 20, and 21. These regions were prioritized based on a variety of impaired driving related indicators including numbers of fatalities over the past five years, Healthy Kids Colorado data indicators that are correlated with excessive use, and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data around binge drinking.
Application due date: March 28, 2023
Applications must be received electronically no later than by March 28, 2023. Faxed applications will not be accepted. Email your application and all attachments to the following individual:
Program contact name: Bonnie Holladay
Program contact email: bonnie.holladay@state.co.us
RFA questions and answers
Applicants may submit written questions to obtain clarification of requirements concerning this RFA. Submit all questions via email to bonnie.holladay@state.co.us and kathy.doht@state.co.us with the subject line: Impaired Driving RFA Questions. Questions will be accepted on a rolling basis until March 17. The deadline for submitting written inquiries is March 24, 2023. Answers will be posted on this web page on a rolling basis on March 3, March 10, March 17, and March 24.
- March 3, 2023 questions and answers
Question: I am very interested in this for a couple of our communities. Would it be best to apply for several counties together for this or each county individually and have them be their own fiscal agent? Just trying to decide if I should submit separate applications or one large application.
Answer: It is important to note that only two contracts will be awarded through this RFA and that depending on the number of applications received it could end up being quite the competitive process. If partnerships exist within a region or can be formed, it could potentially increase the chances of a given geographic area receiving the funds. It is also important to be aware that in awarding grants, 10/100 priority points will be given to applicants from Health Statistics Regions 2, 9, 10, 11, 12,18, 20, and 21. These regions were prioritized based on a variety of impaired driving related indicators including numbers of fatalities over the past five years, Healthy Kids Colorado data indicators that are correlated with excessive use, and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data around binge drinking.Question: Will only two organizations be awarded funding? And, if so, how many organizations do you anticipate might apply for this opportunity?
Answer: Only two contracts will be awarded, and we are unsure how many applicants there will be.Question: We currently have funding for some impaired driving work through CDOT (as you likely know). Are we eligible to apply for this funding? (There will be an overlap of funding from July-Sept.)
Answer: Receiving CDOT or any other funding does not preclude an entity from being eligible. However, please structure your application and budget in such a way that demonstrates that this funding would not be duplicative or supplant existing funds and efforts.Question: Will CDPHE be giving preference to new organizations doing Impaired Driving work with this funding opportunity?
Answer: While preference will not be given based on length of time an organization has been in operation, the Proposal Template that applicants are required to follow asks applicants to describe their previous experience engaging in impaired driving prevention efforts.Question: We are currently in the process of applying for the next round of CDOT funding. I’m wondering if it makes sense for us to apply for both CDOT and this new PDD funding…or if our work aligns better with one than the other based on priority adjustments at the state level?
Answer: Receiving CDOT funding does not preclude applicants from applying for this opportunity. Applicants may apply to both programs. It is recommended that applicants read through the RFA, the Statement of Work in the Exhibits folder, and watch the pre-bid webinar to determine whether or not this program will be a good fit.