Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grant Program

In 2005, the Colorado General Assembly enacted legislation (Colorado Revised Statute 25-20.5-301 et. seq.), Amendment 35, that allocated revenue generated from an increase in the excise tax on tobacco products to fund a competitive grants program for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic pulmonary disease in Colorado. The Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grant Program is administered by the Prevention Services Division (PSD), within the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention (HPCDP) Branch. It is overseen by the CCPD Grant Program Review Committee.

The Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grant Program aims to reduce chronic disease in Colorado by providing a comprehensive approach that focuses on prevention, early detection, and treatment for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic pulmonary disease. To achieve that comprehensive approach, the CCPD  Grant Program assists in implementing the state’s strategic plans regarding cancer and chronic disease. The Colorado Chronic Disease State Plan is the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) current strategic plan for chronic disease. Additionally, the Colorado Cancer Plan is a critical document that guides Colorado in making decisions based on cancer prevention, control, and care priorities.

Strategic goals

The Colorado Board of Health, the Executive Director of the CDPHE, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives appoint a 16-member review committee. The Review Committee is responsible for overseeing program strategies and activities and ensuring compliance with the enabling legislation. The committee also reviews grant applications and submits recommendations for funding to the CDPHE Executive Director for review and submission to the Colorado Board of Health. The Colorado Board of Health has the final authority to approve grants under this program.

Per statute, the CCPD Grant program must fund evidenced-based strategies (CRS 25.20.5). The Prevention Services Division relies on the definition of evidence-based public health promoted by Brownson et al (2010). Evidence-based interventions are those identified, selected, and implemented according to the scientific method. Such interventions can range from emerging practices grounded in theory and the early stages of implementation to long-standing, proven practices for which a broad consensus exists that they represent recommended ways of promoting healthy outcomes.

In addition, the CCPD Review Committee solicited input from external stakeholders through a variety of methods to inform the strategic approach of the CCPD Grant program. The CCPD Review Committee selected ten (10) priorities for the CCPD Grant program to make progress on. These priorities, along with the evidence base, the current state of efforts, and the chronic disease landscape, led to the development of the current CCPD Strategic Framework. The framework continues the direction of previous grant funding cycles, aligns with the Chronic Disease State Plan, and leverages similar types of work across the priorities (see CCPD Review Committee Priorities and Strategic Framework).

Statement on and commitment to equity

CDPHE acknowledges that long-standing structural inequities, including systemic racism, have created conditions that negatively affect marginalized communities, particularly people of color. These conditions limit opportunities for optimal health, influence individual behaviors, and are critical predictors of health outcomes. To realize a future where all Coloradans can thrive, we must undo policies and practices that contribute to these inequities and/or build new health-promoting systems. Reducing health disparities through policies, practices, and organizational systems can improve health-promoting opportunities for all Coloradans. A primary focus of the CCPD Grant Program and the Chronic Disease State Plan is to implement strategies tailored to address the varying and complex causes of health disparities so that every Coloradan has equitable access to opportunities to thrive regardless of who they are or where they live.

For more information:


For questions, please email cdphe_ccpdgrants@state.co.us.