A sexually healthy person is someone who:
Makes decisions about sexual health that are in line with her or his personal identities, goals, values, and beliefs.
Makes healthy decisions based on access to accurate, affordable and comprehensive education, services, and resources.
Has the skills and knowledge to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Has the skills to build and maintain safe and healthy relationships.
Has the skills and knowledge to decide when and if to have a family.
Has the right to be free from oppression, exploitation, and abuse.
Advocates for his or her needs, wants, goals, and values.
Is an educated consumer of health information, resources, and services.
Can talk comfortably about sexual health with health professionals, teachers, partners, friends, and family.
Has the skills and motivation to disclose a present infection, if any, to her or his sex partners.
Has a strong foundation for lifelong sexual health, whether or not he or she is currently sexually active.