Use the extra day to boost your health

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REMOTE (February 29, 2024): It’s four years in the making! Leap Day is here. What will you do with the extra day? The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has some ideas:


There’s no time like the present! 

Use your bonus day by making a health-conscious splash. Whether it's finally making an appointment for that overdue check-up, getting up-to-date on recommended vaccines, or simply indulging in some well-deserved self-care, investing in your well-being is always a good idea!


Radon? Not on our watch!

Home is where the heart is, but it's also where radon might be lurking. Put the odds in your favor by testing your home for radon. Worried about the cost? Fear not! Find out how to access a discounted radon test kit to keep your home safe from lung cancer risks.


Maximize health and financial well-being: File early for tax benefits!

Why wait? Get a jump on your tax returns early and effortlessly at where you can file securely and for free. Plus, don't miss out on potential cashback from the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit — file now to claim your benefits and seize the day!


A breath of fresh air!

Whether it's a brisk walk, a jog in the park, or a fun outdoor activity, embrace the opportunity to get active and enjoy the fresh Colorado air. Living an active lifestyle is just one way you can protect your heart health and support a healthy brain!


E-bike extravaganza!

Ditch the car keys and hop on the eco-friendly bandwagon. Ride a bike, take a walk, or use public transportation to reduce environmental impacts and protect clean Colorado air. Household motor vehicle trips are one of the biggest drivers of transportation emissions in the country. Find out how to access an E-bike.


Farm-to-fork fiesta!

Time to play chef with some homegrown Colorado produce. Whip up a scrumptious and healthy meal while brushing up on food safety best practices.


Hydration celebration!

Dive into the refreshing embrace of Colorado water. Discover inventive ways to boost your daily water intake and stay hydrated — your body will thank you.


(Early) Spring clean!

Clear out the clutter by dropping off old or unused meds at a Medication Takeback drop box. It's not just a cleanup. It's a safeguard against accidents and misuse, and keeping our water systems pristine.


Information is power!

Explore the universe of CDPHE's information campaigns dedicated to preserving public and environmental health. We've got your back, Colorado!


Join us at the table!

Get your voice heard and make a difference! Dive into public meetings on environmental justice, where you can weigh in on issues close to your heart. Because your opinion matters, and we're all ears.


Leap Day just got a whole lot cooler, thanks to CDPHE's health-packed, joy-filled playbook. Get ready to make the most of those bonus 24 hours, Colorado-style!

