Governor Polis proclaims Nov. 27 - Dec. 1 Wastewater Utility Appreciation Week

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Proclamation recognizes utilities’ contributions to monitoring system and public health

Denver (November 27, 2023) — Governor Polis declared Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2023 Colorado Wastewater Utility Appreciation Week to recognize the efforts of more than 50 wastewater utilities whose participation continues to help the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment monitor COVID-19 trends in wastewater.

Since August 2020, wastewater utilities have provided samples twice per week to the State Public Health Laboratory to help monitor COVID-19 transmission. When used with other public health data, wastewater data allows local public health partners to respond effectively to COVID-19 disease trends and empowers communities throughout Colorado to make informed decisions based on local data. Wastewater monitoring allows public health officials to identify the presence of a virus in a community even when people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic or may not get tested. 

“We could not do this work without our wastewater utility partners. The results from the samples the utilities provide allows for another level of virus tracking to help us understand the spread of disease in each of our communities served by the participating utilities. We are grateful for their partnership and dedication to public health,” said Dr. Rachel Herlihy, Colorado State Epidemiologist. 


In addition to this important work, wastewater utilities provide a critical service to Coloradans by treating our wastewater and protecting our waterways. 


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