We are currently working on building Colorado EnviroScreen version 2.0.
As we prepare for the release of Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0 in November 2024, we are excited to hear from users across Colorado about their experience with the tool and get feedback on our proposed updates. You can review the proposed data and methods in this report. Watch this video displaying planned user interface updates to Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0.
You can join one of these virtual engagement sessions where we will discuss the potential updates of the tool:
July 24, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
July 24, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sign up to join one of the meetings.
During these virtual engagement sessions, you can review these proposed updates to Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0, ask questions, and share your feedback.
You can also provide feedback by filling out the Enviroscreen 2.0 Google form or emailing us at cdphe_ej@state.co.us. The public comment period for the proposed changes to EnviroScreen 2.0 will remain open to all users from June 17 through August 17.
Visit our new webpage for Colorado EnviroScreen 2.0 to learn more and stay updated.