Update on Ketamine Investigatory Review Panel

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Remote, April 15: As CDPHE announced on August 22, 2020, we have empaneled a group of experts to examine if the department’s existing ketamine waiver process provides adequate oversight and training to ensure public health and safety. Since its formation, the panel has met several times and will continue its work over the next several months. As it does with all investigative reviews of this type, CDPHE is limiting the release of information about both the panel members and the process to protect the integrity of the work. While we are not disclosing the panel members’ identities during the investigative review, the members are medical professionals with relevant expertise to conduct this work.  The panel members’ expertise includes Anesthesiology, EMS Medical Direction, Emergency Medicine, Behavioral Health, Nursing, Toxicology, Public Health, and EMS practice, with several panel members having multiple certifications or areas of expertise. Additionally, subject matter experts from other professions are participating as needed. Once the panel’s work is complete, we will share the final report.

