Colorado Health Department offers free radon test kits during National Radon Action Month

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Meghan Hughes, Community Involvement Manager | 303-692-3373 |
DENVER — The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is offering free radon test kits this month in an effort to protect Coloradans from a leading cause of lung cancer.
Approximately half of Colorado homes have radon gas levels that exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s action level. In Colorado, radon is estimated to cause 500 lung cancer deaths each year.
Radon gas has no odor or taste, is not visible and occurs naturally in the soil. Radon enters homes and buildings through small openings. The U.S. Surgeon General lists radon exposure as the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The state Board of Health has declared January as Radon Action Month, and state environmental officials hope residents will take the time to test their homes.
“Testing your home for radon is simple and should be done when all your doors and windows are closed,” said Chrystine Kelley, radon program manager for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “That’s why January is a great time to test, during National Radon Action Month.”
The best way to protect yourself against radon is to test your home.
Homeowners with mitigation systems also can take advantage of this free test kit offer to ensure the system is working properly.
For more information about radon, visit