Information for Cancer Reporters About the Colorado Central Cancer Registry

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Cancer reporting to the Colorado Central Cancer Registry is mandated by the Colorado Board of Health Regulation CCR-1009-3. All reportable cases of cancer diagnosed or treated in a health care facility, clinical laboratory, or by a health care practitioner, must be sent to the CCCR within the timeframe outlined. Failure to report cases in a timely manner will result in an improvement plan, if this is not met facility licenses may be suspended. Please reach out to us if you have questions or need assistance with this. 

Hospital Cancer Reporters

As the primary source of cancer cases in the state of Colorado, it is important for hospitals to report cases within a timely manner as mandated by our BOH requirement. All reporting hospitals are assigned a CCCR liaison who will work with the facility registrars to ensure quality and compliance of reporting. Cases should be uploaded to WebPlus which is a secure portal, if you need an account please let us know.

Under 50 Bed Hospitals

Hospitals with fewer than 50 beds are not required to abstract cases, however, they should submit Medical Record Data Indices of all reportable cancer cases seen at their facility on a yearly basis at minimum. Additionally, the CCCR requests access to these records so that we may abstract them internally as outlined in BOH CCR-1009-3. These cases are often overlooked, but are very important in our state. We recognize most smaller facilities are in rural parts of the state, and underreporting can drastically affect the incidence and known disease burden in these communities. 

Physicians, Labs & Cancer Centers

Independent physician practices, surgery centers, diagnostic & treatment centers, pathology labs and any other diagnosing physicians are required to report eligible cases to the CCCR. Physicians reporting will help address current under-reporting of certain types of treatment, and cancers that are primarily seen in an outpatient setting.

  • The CCCR requires the following information from pathology laboratories:
    • Copy of the pathology report
    • Basic patient demographics, including patient name and address and cancer site, histology, and diagnosis date
    • Other information is welcomed but not required

Out-of-State Cancer Reporters

The Colorado Central Cancer Registry exchanges cases of residents of other states with their home state on a biannual basis. We request that all states with data-sharing agreements send us cases reported to them who are Colorado residents at least annually. 

Colorado pages

Meaningful use registration form

If eligible providers want to report to the cancer registry without attesting for Meaningful Use, they should email the Cancer Registry.