Emission Technical Center Building Use Criteria

Emissions Technical Centers (ETCs) are state-operated facilities with duties specified in state law to provide support to various Mobile Sources program activities.  Among others, these activities include support to the gasoline and diesel emissions inspection programs; fuel sampling and analysis; field inspections and enforcement; and the training and testing of inspection and repair technicians.
Requests for various functions routinely come from automotive trainers, training committees, vocational schools, industry and trade groups, auto clubs etc.  CDPHE honors requests for building use and/or presentations/tours if they are are related to ETC functions and statutory purpose; if it is of educational benefit to the  public or repair industry; and if it is not competing with a role best met by the private sector.
ETCs are not available for marketing or endorsement of products or other such functions where private facilities would be more appropriate. Requests are also not honored for research, development or evaluation of automotive retrofit (add-on) devices, fuel additives, or other automotive products. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an established protocol for the evaluation of such devices and additives. All inquiries in regards to fuel additive/retrofit devices should be made to the EPA.
There are several public- and private-sector trainers in Colorado who conduct nationally-recognized automotive technician training classes for diagnosing and repairing Inspection/Maintenance emissions failures. The ETC are available for use by these trainers to train automotive technicians.  Depending on class size and the individual ETC location, one or two classes may be scheduled per evening. Due to space limitations, no more than two classes will be scheduled per evening per facility.
All scheduling, including training by state employees as part of assigned duties, must be arranged at least one month in advance through the ETC supervisor. A signed application and agreement of ETC use stating the purpose of request, curriculum to be taught, and obligating the trainer to cover loss of tools and/or equipment, building or vehicle damage, rekeying the facility due to lost or non-returned keys will be required before use of an ETC building is allowed.  Violation of policies will result in denial of access and billing to the person or his/her company for losses as cited above.