Child care health regulations

Children and adult

We establish and enforce sanitary standards for child care facilities.

We enforce the regulations in Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jackson, Moffat, Ouray, Park, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, and San Juan counties. Local health agencies inspect child care facilities in all other counties.

Inspections of child care facilities are required every two years but may be conducted more frequently based on an assessment of risk.


Get your child care center licensed


Regulation Revision Information

CDPHE completed a stakeholder process to update 6 CCR 1010-7, Health and Sanitation of Child Care Facilities in the State of Colorado. The proposed changes were adopted by the Board of Health on February 19, 2025 and will go into effect on April 14, 2025. The updated regulation will be posted on April 14th. In the meantime, please reference the redline version of the current regulation to view the changes that were made.

Food service

Sanitizers and disinfectants

Preventing illness




Resident camps

Summary of trainings

To register for the course(s), please create a Co.Train account. You will need the course ID to access the training.

Access Co.Train

  • Everything you need to know about cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting: Co.Train course ID 1108635.


303-692-3645, option #3