CCWP - Which certificate is right for you?

Water treatment plant operators work in water treatment plants.
Fresh water is pumped from wells, rivers, streams or reservoirs to water treatment plants, where it is treated and distributed to customers. Water treatment plant operators run the equipment, control the processes and monitor the plants that treat water to make it safe to drink. They read instruments and gauges to make sure processes are working properly, take samples and run tests to determine the quality of the water being produced and at times may adjust the amount of chemicals being added to the water.
Classes (levels) of Colorado water treatment facility operators:
  • Water Treatment Class D - entry level
  • Water Treatment Class C
  • Water Treatment Class B
  • Water Treatment Class A - most advanced level


Water distribution operators maintain and operate water distribution systems.
A water distribution system is an elaborate conveyance system with pumps that allow water to move through the system and valves that allow water pressure and flow direction to be regulated. An operator is responsible for the maintenance of water mains, water services, fire hydrants, water valves and backflow devices located within a service area.
Classes (levels) of Colorado water distribution system operators:
  • Distribution Class 1 - entry level
  • Distribution Class 2
  • Distribution Class 3
  • Distribution Class 4 - most advanced level
Small water system operators oversee water systems serving fewer than 3,300 persons.

The small water system certificate is a "hybrid" certificate, combining both water treatment and water distribution expertise for communities that serve fewer than 3,300 persons. Although none of Colorado's facilities are classified as "small water systems", an operator holding a small water system certificate (Class S) can be the operator in responsible charge for a Class D water treatment facility and/or a Class 1 water distribution system, as long as the population served is under the 3,300 person limit. The small water system certificate is an entry-level certificate and an operator holding such a certificate can upgrade, or progress to a higher level of classification by meeting the eligibility requirements and passing exams sequentially. 

Wastewater treatment plant operators remove pollutants from domestic or industrial waste.
Used water, also known as wastewater, is treated and either returned to streams, rivers and oceans, or used for irrigation. Operators operate equipment to purify and clarify the water or dispose of sewage. They clean and maintain equipment, tanks, filter beds and other work areas.
Classes (levels) of Colorado domestic and industrial wastewater treatment facility operators:
  • Wastewater Treatment Class D - entry level
  • Wastewater Treatment Class C
  • Wastewater Treatment Class B
  • Wastewater Treatment Class A - most advanced
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment D - entry level
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment C
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment B
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment A - most advanced



Wastewater collection operators maintain and repair wastewater collection systems.
Operators ensure public health and safety by preventing and/or responding to sewage overflows and blockages. They inspect, clean, maintain, construct and repair the wastewater collection systems including sanitary sewers, storm drains, pump stations, pipes, manholes and catch basins.
Classes (levels) of Colorado wastewater collection system operators:
  • Collection Class 1 - entry level
  • Collection Class 2
  • Collection Class 3
  • Collection Class 4 - most advanced level


Small wastewater system operators oversee wastewater systems serving fewer than 3,300 persons.

The small wastewater system certificate is a "hybrid" certificate, combining both wastewater treatment and wastewater collection expertise for communities that serve fewer than 3,300 persons.  Although none of Colorado's facilities are classified as "small wastewater systems," an operator holding a small wastewater system  certificate can be the operator in responsible charge for a Class D wastewater treatment facility and/or a Class 1 wastewater collection system as long as the population served is under the 3,300 person limit. The small wastewater system certificate is an entry-level certificate and an operator holding such a certificate can upgrade, or progress to a higher level of classification by meeting the eligibility requirements and passing exams sequentially.