Office of Suicide Prevention

multiple peoples' hands stacked on each other supportively holding a heart

Suicide prevention


Follow Up Project

Information about the Colorado Follow Up Project, which provides free telephonic caring contacts for patients discharging from the Emergency Department

Funding opportunities

Current funding and grant opportunities


Gun Safety and suicide

Resources for licensed firearms dealers, ranges, and safety instructors.

Injury and violence data and epidemiology

Data resources, general injury reports, and data on suicide, adult falls, prescription drug abuse, motor vehicle, child fatality and abuse, marijuana, sexual violence, and infant safe sleep.


Local Partner Counties

Priority public health initiatives, data resources, and current grantees.

Resources for after a suicide attempt or suicidal experience

Resources and materials for Survivors of Suicide Attempts and Suicidal Experiences and their supporters.


Resources for after a suicide loss

Resources and materials for Suicide Loss Survivors, including individuals, families, communities, schools, workplaces, and organizations.

Resources for emergency departments and suicidal patients

Print materials, tools and training opportunities for emergency departments and mental health centers working to prevent suicide.


Resources for primary care providers

Print materials and training opportunities for primary care providers working to prevent suicide.

Resources for Public Health

Resources for public health professionals and policymakers regarding suicide prevention.


Resources for youth and young adult suicide prevention

Resources and materials supporting suicide prevention for young people in Colorado.

Spiritual Communities Suicide Prevention Resource List

The Spiritual Communities Workgroup has organized these resources within prevention, intervention, and postvention.


Suicides in Colorado: Data tool for Colorado communities

Interactive data visualization dashboard utilizing Colorado Violent Death Reporting System Data. Guide for using the data dashboard.

Suicide investigation form

Tool for investigators to use during the death investigation process.


Suicide Prevention Commission

Created in 2014 to serve as the interface between public and private sectors in establishing statewide suicide prevention priorities that are data-driven and evidence-based.

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Suicide Prevention Commission as described in section 2-3-1203 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Analysis is performed to determine if the advisory council is necessary and should be continued or repealed.  To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRR.


Information about training and other educational opportunities hosted by the Office of Suicide Prevention.


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