Gun safety and suicide

This page contains materials for firearms dealers, ranges and safety instructors working to prevent suicide by firearm in Colorado.


Firearm Suicide Prevention One Pager 

This resource provides some helpful information for gun owners in preventing suicide.

Colorado temporary firearm storage map

The Gun Storage Map is hosted by the Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition and lists out businesses and law enforcement agencies that may be willing to consider requests for temporary, voluntary gun storage. 

Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition 

The Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition is a group of gun shop owners, firearm safety instructors, and public health professionals who came together with a shared goal of educating firearm retailers, range employees, and the general public about suicide prevention and firearm safety. 



Interactive web-based tool to aid in decision-making about temporary strategies for safe storage. Available in English and Spanish


Print materials for members of the Colorado firearm community

Order free handouts, tip sheets, and posters by email. Include a list of materials desired, quantity, and a physical address for shipping. If desired, materials can also be customized with your company's logo.


Additional Colorado Resources 


National resources for Firearm Suicide Prevention