Erase the Waste

Statewide education campaign on recycling: Erase the Waste

Erase the Waste is the statewide education campaign on recycling and waste reduction. This education campaign connects Colorado residents to waste reduction and recycling best practices through social media, television and radio announcements, and written materials. Please visit the Erase the Erase the Waste website or sitio web de Erase the Waste en español for tips and to pledge to do your part to erase the waste.


Campaign text and graphics for community use

  Download campaign text and graphics

The easiest way to minimize waste is to avoid creating it in the first place.

  11 ways to reduce your waste footprint

  11 maneras de reducir tu huella ecológica


Reduce your impact with these two tips

Reduce tu impacto con estos dos consejos




Kendra Appelman-Eastvedt