Interested in SBHC Funding Opportunities?

The department's SBHC Program provides funding to plan, start, and operate school-based health centers (SBHCs) in Colorado schools. Strong collaborations between the school, school district, health organizations, and the community (including youth and parents) are crucial to establishing and operating a sustainable SBHC. Each community has unique priorities, needs, and resources that must be understood and incorporated into the business model for an SBHC.

  • RFA #41134
    • The Request for Applications (RFA) #41134 - School-Based Health Center Program FY24-27 Grant Funding Opportunity application deadline was January 27, 2023. This RFA is currently closed.

Contact us

Interested in learning more about how to receive funding to support planning activities to start up a new SBHC or to support an operating SBHC? Please contact the SBHC Program at cdphe_sbhcprogram@state.co.us and program staff can provide more information about the activities that we fund. 

SBHC Program eNewsletter

The SBHC Program invites you to sign up for the SBHC Program eNewsletter to receive email notifications of our funding opportunities.