Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education Grant Funding - RFA #40989



Colorado Revised Statute § 25-44-101 et seq. authorizes the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to administer the Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education (CHSE) grant program. 

The purpose of these funds is to support schools and school districts to implement comprehensive human sexuality education content that is medically accurate, culturally sensitive, inclusive of a positive youth development approach, and aligned with content requirements. 

This will be a three-year grant period beginning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. The CHSE program anticipates funding approximately 9-18 schools/districts.

Applicants are encouraged to request whatever amount of funding they feel is required in order to implement quality comprehensive human sexuality education in their school or district. Suggested ranges are below, but amounts can vary depending on individual projects.


Individual Schools $35,000 - $75,000/year
School District $50,000 - $120,000/year


Who Should Apply

All public schools, school districts, board of cooperative services, charter schools, or institute charter schools are eligible to apply for this funding. 

Priority will be given to rural schools or districts as defined by the Colorado Department of Education. Applicants who demonstrate this will be awarded an additional 30 points

Priority will also be given to those:
  • Those not currently implementing any comprehensive human sexuality education will be awarded an additional 30 points.

  • Those currently implementing some comprehensive human sexuality education but not across an entire school or district (i.e. in at least one grade within a school or in at least one school within a district) will be awarded an additional 15 points.

*Note: Previous recipients of 1-year capacity building grants up to $25,000 awarded via the CHSE program will not lose implementation priority based on previously accepting these funds. These applicants may indicate their implementation status prior to receiving these funds if different from their current status.


Project Activities

Develop and/or enhance infrastructure to implement CHSE.

  • Build buy-in with stakeholders to address barriers pertinent to program delivery

  • Engage community stakeholders, such as parents and students, in planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project.

  • Provide CHSE program approved professional development for staff, aligned with implementation of a comprehensive human sexuality curriculum.

  • Complete this Policy Assessment for complementary school or district policies supporting comprehensive human sexuality education within the first year of the grant. 

  • Develop or update district policy using this Model Policy Resource to ensure alignment with House Bill 19-1032 content requirements for implementing comprehensive human sexuality education. This may be completed at any time over the course of the three-year grant. 

Implement Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education in alignment with statute content requirements.

  • Utilize an approved curriculum to provide instruction to students.

  • Utilize an equity-centered approach with all implementation efforts to ensure instruction is culturally sensitive as required by statute.

  • Collect data through 2023 & 2025 Healthy Kids Colorado and Smart Source Survey to measure success and impact.  All demographic, sexual behavior and sexual violence questions must be included.

There are several opportunities for schools to customize their CHSE implementation in alignment with the required activities above. More specific examples can be found in the full RFA document.


Applications Due 12/2/2022 by 5 p.m. MST
Required Documents


Download the Application Packet Here


Questions & Answers

Applicants may submit written questions to danielle.tuft@state.co.us to obtain clarification of requirements concerning this RFA. No questions will be accepted after November 30, 2022 at 5 p.m. MDT. All inquiries should be sent with the following information:

  1. RFA Title & Number

  2. Section, page number, and paragraph number the question applies to.

Answers to application questions will be posted here as outlined in the schedule below by the close of business on the date indicated. Applicants are not to rely on any other statements that alter any specification or any other term or condition of the RFA.

Questions and Answer Timeline Time (MDT) Date

Deadline for applicants to submit written inquiries. 

**No questions will be accepted after this date/time**

5 p.m.
Answers to written inquiries and any changes to the RFA published here. 5 p.m. 10/06/22



Additional Guidance and Resources

RFA Timeline

Application Timeline Time (MDT) Date
Application Submission Deadline 5 p.m. 12/02/22
Evaluation Period  N/A 12/02/22 - 12/30/22
Estimated Notification of Award N/A 1/2/23
Contract Drafting N/A 1/2/23 - 4/15/2023
Estimate Contract Effective Date   07/01/23